Book a History Tour

Interpreting the history

A history tour will take place on the last Saturday of each month, starting at 11 o’clock and lasting about an hour. Booking is required if you want to join the tour and the tour will only take place if demand is there.

The cost of the tour is £5 per adult or £10 for any family group.

If you are interested in joining a monthly tour please use the booking form below. If this time does not suit you please go to the next option to book a bespoke tour at a time that is more convenient (see below).

  • Should you wish to book the Battery, please email or dunbarbattery AT gmail noting the details requested below:




Preferred dates

Preferred times

Number in party

Mobility restrictions

You will receive Email confirmation, including details of where to meet and the bad weather arrangements.

The tour will include an explanation of

  • The history of Dunbar Battery
  • The history of the Harbours at Dunbar
  • The history of Dunbar Castle
  • The history of the Vaults

The last Saturday in every month will not suit all visitors to Dunbar and every effort will be made to arrange bespoke tours at £25 per tour (for groups up to ten in number) at a time that is convenient to you. If this is of interest to you please visit this page and complete the Bespoke Tour Booking Form. In addition to the above please let us know if you are interested in a guided tour of Dunbar’s High Street with a multitude of interesting places to see, including John Muir’s Birthplace and the historic Town House.